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The CAPOL Liquid Interleaving System: Making food packaging more sustainable

Improving the sustainability of food products requires looking beyond the ingredients and raw materials used. Packaging in particular offers potential that remains untapped by many manufacturers, including for interleavers, the plastic films that separate for example slices of ham or analogue products. CAPOL proves that this can be done without plastic, with a groundbreaking liquid interleaving system that can reliably separate food and is more sustainable.

Liquid interleaving for less plastic waste
Explore how liquid interleaving can enhance production across sticky and sliced products, as for example for analogue cheese.

Making food packaging more sustainable

In the competitive food industry, consumers deserve the best quality. Even small imperfections can result in unsold food products. Sheets of plastic have long been used to separate food items. They enhance customer satisfaction by making it easy to take sliced food products, such as cold cuts and sliced analogue cheese, from the packaging. Consumers enjoy a single slice of meat or analogue cheese, one that doesn’t tear or stick to other slices.

The downside of these interleavers is that they are single-use plastics and create excess waste. With many companies making sustainability a key objective for their business and products, reducing the use of these single-use plastics is one way to greatly improve the sustainability of food packaging. CAPOL’s Liquid Interleaving System is a viable alternative while maintaining the high quality that consumers demand.

The liquid interleaver: a CAPOL solution

Working closely with manufacturing experts from the food and packaging industry, CAPOL has developed an interleaving liquid that can be automatically sprayed onto slices of ham and analogue products for easy separation. Tasteless, odorless, and based on natural ingredients, such as vegetable oils, it can be used for a wide range of food products and is a sustainable alternative to plastic interleavers.

We are convinced that three ways lead to a more sustainable use of plastics: increased circularity, using renewable material, and smarter use. The CAPOL Liquid Interleaving System enables our customers to reduce the amount of plastics in packaging while providing a more aesthetically pleasing and natural presentation of food products.

Avoiding single-use plastics
The CAPOL liquid interleaving system can reliably separate sliced food products and is a sustainable alternative to plastic interleavings.

Finding the right formula for a sustainable future

The Liquid Interleaving System demonstrates CAPOL’s expertise in developing new and sustainable solutions for the food industry. It can be tailored to suit the needs of customers, with different formulations available. The liquid is long-lasting, offers great separation, does not change the taste of the product and doesn’t impact its shelf life.

To ensure the optimal application of CAPOL’s Liquid Interleaving solution, we work in close collaboration with experts from machine manufacturing in the food industry. Using special machines, the liquid is evenly sprayed onto the bottom of individual slices, for a long-lasting, non-stick effect. These interleaving machines can be integrated into existing production lines as well as new ones.

The Liquid Interleaving System is transforming the food industry

The Capol Liquid Interleaving System is here to change the food packaging industry for the better and help contribute to a sustainable future. We have already seen several outstanding applications in various segments of the sliced food industry, with extremely high customer satisfaction. Our product is already in use in cold-sliced meat applications, for example. As food industry globally continues to explore the scope and incorporate sustainable solutions, we are confident that we can enable manufacturers to move beyond single-use plastics and to a more sustainable way of separating food products.


Would you like to learn more? Our CAPOL experts are ready to discuss your application and connect you with the right machinery partner for your sustainability project.

Your personal contact
Thomas Mücklich
Sales Director
Capol GmbH
Otto-Hahn-Str. 10
25337 Elmshorn
Thomas Mücklich